We absolutely will improve your school, but don't just take our word for it...

Ernest, Paul Sawyer Public Library

“Biometric identification is a safe and secure way for patrons to access library services. Overall, the biometric system has been a great success and has brought many positive changes to our library. Patrons enjoy the system.”

“We purchased the biometric scanners for our media centers and they are awesome! Our media specialists can devote their time to professional tasks like working with students instead of worrying about who the child is, where their ID card, and what is their barcode number. This system is great and takes library automation to the next step. It makes library automation truly automated in all areas.”
Dillion School District
“I have used the biometric technology in my middle school library for more than five years and it is the best purchase I’ve ever made. This wonderfully simple program allows my students to check out materials without any assistance, freeing me to teach and work with individual student clients even when I have no assistant or volunteers. The kids love the technology and do a better job than most of my volunteers at the check-out process.”
Dublin City Schools
“In 5 days as we open we have processed over 27,000 meal swipes using Finger ID Solution. During that time we have seen a peak 20 minute period at all 3 of our dining centers where we saw a rate of 27-28 per minute…. I don’t think we could card with visual watching picture to face at this pace.”
North Dakota State University
“We love the finger id system at Bay Minette Intermediate School. My full time aide was cut to half time a few years ago and soon after was cut altogether. Managing large classes of fourth, fifth, and sixth graders was very difficult without help. I purchased the finger reader in order to help speed up check outs. It has been very effective and it makes the students much more independent. Even during flex time, students can come to the library to check in, look for books, and check out without a lot of assistance from me. That’s great because it releases me from clerical duties to help students who really need my individual attention. Also, the technical support is so efficient and friendly. Anytime we need help, it’s just a phone call away. Thanks so much for such a great product and wonderful service.”
Bay Minette
“We needed to do something to get our customers through the line and still have time to enjoy their school meals so we contacted Educational Biometric Technology. We found them to be one of the best, most understanding and patient companies to work with. Bob assured us to not worry. Give it a try. If it doesn’t work, send it back. No strings attached. So we did and have never been happier! We love it, our customers love it, and our parents love it as well! Finally a real solution to our seemingly endless problem and all our fears and question are now a thing of the past.”
Huron City School
“IDconnect gives our patrons peace of mind because of the finger scans. Our fingerprints are unique to us therefore checkout errors are eliminated. It is fast and accurate. I would not have any other way!”
Weslaco High School

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